Calendar series

To date, I’ve used this blog for posting essays, updates to the web site, noteworthy reposts from other forums and other thoughts on a more-or-less ad hoc and irregular basis.

In an attempt to introduce an element of regularity to the blog for its visitors, and to broaden its scope somewhat, I will be beginning what I am currently referring to as the Calendar series. This series will consist of a post made when the Sun enters each of the thirty six decans of the zodiac (includes the equinoxes and solstices which coincide with the Sun’s entrance into the first decans of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), when the Moon is full, and on each of the four cross-quarter days. The series should therefore consist of approximately 53 posts per year, averaging one per week with no more than 10 or 11 days between posts.

The topic of each post will be related to the calendrical event to which it is attributed. Sometimes this relationship will be direct and obvious, and at other times it will be more indirect and tenuous. As far as possible I intend to avoid technical discussions within these posts, and to avoid direct references to Thelema and magick, rendering them suitable for all. The purpose is to give the posts as much relevance to “real life” as possible. Naturally though, a side-effect of following the series will be an enhanced understanding of – and a greater appreciation for – the significance of the solar and lunar calendars on everyday life, and the symbolism attached thereto.

Any discussions related to the posts can take place directly on the blog through the comment mechanism, or on the forums where I will be creating a dedicated forum for reposting the entries.

The first entry will be on January 10th, when the Sun enters the cadent decan of Capricorn.

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